School Administration/Management Software - an overview
The term School Administration Software should refer to a computer program written/developed to help with school management and the administrative tasks. These may include enrolments, class management, timetables/schedules, marks, reporting, the alumni, communications to parents, school accounts, suppliers, personnel management, etc, among others.
SchoolWrite, is the flagship software of the kind where you will find a student's profile well integrated with their accounts.
Learners may be admitted into the school through the Future Enrolment module, or directly into the students area. In case the use of future enrolment is considered, the following needs to be noted:
- Organisation and control over all future enrolment enquiries and placements is a feature of this software.
- Standard letters can be printed for selected groups of prospective parents and enrolment fees may be collected. These enrolment fees are automatically posted to the General Ledger and are also reflected in the books of accounts e.g. in the trial balance, Income and Expenditure Statement and the Balance Sheet.
- The source of each enrolment may be noted to provide future marketing statistics (i.e. how did you know about us! e.g. newsletter, advert, etc).
- Applications that are accepted are “rolled over” to Students and Parents, requiring very little or no further keyboard entries when the student commences.
Every learner will have a unique code that identifies that learner, and every parent will have a unique code to identify that parent. That known, every learner should have a code that points that learner to the parent and that code should exist in the parents area. In some schools, especially where fees discounts apply to siblings, a number of students/learners from the same family all share the same parent code. This way, the parent receives one bill for all the children one has in that school and gets only one fees statement with the name of the oldest learner printed on it. The idea being; that child will deliver it home, because one is the oldest.
Teachers are entered into the system and are allocated to the subjects they teach in the different classes. In the same way, the learners are entered with their streams and other available details including the subjects they are offered. This definition will allow the software to map each learner's subject to a teacher code who handles that subject in that class automatically. This information helps to ease the process of preparing folders where teachers (or nominated staff) enter scores and after, the tailored menu prints the reports in the desired layouts.
Learners are promoted to new grades/classes in a click of a button and the finalists are marked as graduated. This group is what is transferred to past students as the alumni, found in the Past Students area. It should be noted that the parent's record at this time will still be accessed with all its financial information even when the learner has left school. If there are balances unpaid, they can still be followed. The parent record can be deleted only if there is no standing balance, and there is no active student attached to that parent, and when all fees transactions have been marked as have ever been printed on the statement (meaning they can be condensed and removed), otherwise they are a good reference when the learner comes back for their certificates and recommendations. SchoolWrite will also allow you to make receipts for Sundry Debtors e.g. Hire of a school property (like a Bus, a Hall, etc.). That money has not come from a parent and has no attachment to ant student. Such payment is also entered exactly where the parents school fees are managed.
The money paid inside the parents area (as fees and other charges) is reflected in the SchoolWrite General Ledger. Standard Chart of accounts for schools may also be provided, which may be added to and/or changed as required. The General Ledger is fully integrated with all SchoolWrite components. Budget figures are established to provide additional financial control and management information. Multiple tailored financial statements may be set up, for school departments and sections, covering all business reporting needs. Bank reconciliation gives verification that all General Ledger entries to the Bank account are correct – Very Important. We call this Accounting for non-accountants!
The Transaction posting report is a very good tool for auditors, or even administrators to do their internal auditing.
Creditors' invoices should be entered into the system as soon as they are received. Invoices may be marked with an estimated 'due date' for payment, and with appropriate general ledger account codes, which are to be fed into the computer during invoice entry. The computer then becomes the repository of all accounts payable. It is therefore possible that at any stage the amount of funds required between any two dates can be established. Payment of invoices may then be done on a selection basis. (The usual selection is “specific invoice for a given creditor”).
The SchoolWrite PAYROLL may be set up for even a non-school institution no matter the size. It is easy to learn and use with extensive help messages providing assistance. All categories of staff may be handled, teaching staff, non-teaching staff, fulltime and casual staff. The payroll caters for both salaried and hourly employees.
Weekly, fortnightly and monthly pay periods may be handled at once. It is also possible to process one or more selected employees at any intervening time. The payroll integrates with the SchoolWrite General Ledger, i.e. PAYROLL amounts will automatically be reflected in the General Ledger for financial reporting.
For more information, you can contact us through the website or on the following lines
+256 772 430202 (WhatsApp)
+256 752 726835
SchoolWrite Team