Administer your school with ease
Try SchoolWrite for FREE for 60 days
We provide competitive solutions to adapt the product to the new requirements as your school grows.
SchoolWrite is MODULAR with each part of the system able to be used independently.
Affordable software with professional support. 60 days FREE Trial
The Academic Records & School Fees + Accounting components may be run independantly or together
SchoolWrite is school administration software.
All aspects of school administration are managed by SchoolWrite software for Windows
For example integrating class lists, end-of-term reports, SMS & email, on-line intranet, billing of school fees, accounting and bank reconciliation.
Yes you can. Modules and Components are designed to work Independently
SchoolWrite runs on any Windows Platform because it is a Windows application. For Linux Users, it needs a plugin like 'Win4Lin' that allows Linux to run Windows Applications
Schoolwrite Supports all banks across Uganda
SchoolWrite is Compatible with the following Operating Systems
The Best School Administration Software You'll Ever Find