New Curriculum Report for Uganda Lower Secondary Schools
In every school, there are students. And every school does all it takes to maintain the numbers among other things like standards, welfare, etc. But when the numbers are maintained, or sometimes grow higher, other challenges start to factor in. The issue of class management also increases and the workload also follows. Every teacher for example gets a higher number of learners to focus and then we usually see that challenges at reporting days.
Even though there're challenges involved, there're also advantages of the new curriculum system in Uganda. Officials from the Ministry of Education and Sports outlined that in its arrangement, the system aims at not only knowledge but also skills. Skilling is a very important component here and each student is supposed to complete the learning with 2 skills attained.
As the school grows, there is a challenge of managing the learners' assessments and how the school reports back to the parent about the performance of the student/learner. Making accurate and timely report cards and marksheets becomes another issue at hand when marksheet analysis information becomes key for academic meetings. SchoolWrite software is crafted to provide just that with its multiple tailored menus.
At SchoolWrite, there is no standard when it comes to report cards and/or marksheets. We believe that there are as many report card layouts as there are schools because every school can come up with their own idea of how they will need their reports to look like, or even in the computation of the scores. This is the sole reason why you will not see the report of your interest from a standard demonstration software you have downloaded from our web interface. You will probably need to contact us through any of the displayed contacts and we avail to you the information you need to have the reports the way you will need them.
In Ugandan schools, the term New Curriculum Report has become a common phrase because of the changes the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) implemented in the Lower Secondary Curriculum. The changes also necessitated that the reporting formats also be changed accordingly. Many schools have been thrown into some sort of panic to change their school report software or software for report cards so that their production can fit well in the new setting.
One of the advantages with SchoolWrite in this regard is that the report card software had already encountered this kind of change in the Southern African Schools especially in Namibia and South Africa where Object Based Reporting was much seen and learnt before it was introduced in Uganda. In this, you define a subject and the elements that make up that subject. And the learners are assessed in each of those elements e.g. if the subject is MUSIC, it can take the elements like Singing, Dancing, Phrases & Rhymes, Role-play in an activity, handling instruments, etc. In Uganda, the new curriculum uses the chapters as the Activities of Integration to which the scores are awarded at every end of its assessment, then a report is generated accordingly. A sample of such report may be found at www.schoolwrite.co.ug/public/downloads/samplelsc.pdf
It should be noted that the activities of integration scores have to be reported to the national examination body and they make a percentage contribution to the final score to be graded when the final exams are administered. These scores by chapter, by subject, have to be recorded and kept well. SchoolWrite works as a repository for all this information, which you will retrieve at any time at your will. The purpose of tailored menus is seen here because it will be the school to dictate how the information will be presented. However, it is good to make a number of things optional so that the user gets that extra flexibility e.g. reporting as a table in .pdf, or a csv that can open in a spreadsheet like MS Excel, etc.
Going back to the report cards, after determining the format of the layout(s), they can be programmed to reach the parents by email as .pdf attachments. Extra conditions may be implemented here e.g. automatically send only reports for paid-up parents. SchoolWrite will display a list of emails to send so you can disable others even if they met the initial condition. Very flexible tools have been implemented. The software will be found in many schools, but when they all have varying output processes/formats.